Our Urgent Care physicals typically include the following types:
High School Sports Physical
Middle School Sports Physical
Physical and Drug Screening
Our Urgent Care offers physicals for a variety of purposes:
Simply put, the purpose of a physical examination is prevention. Whether you have a child in need of a sports physical, or you’re an adult who needs a DOT physical, your exam can be one of the best ways to screen for illnesses or other health concerns. The exam will provide either reassurance that your health is fine, or warn you of an impending health issue while there’s still time to correct it.
Medical history: This involves a review of any past or current concerns, an evaluation of lifestyle or behaviors, such as smoking, diet, and exercise, as well as a check of your vaccinations and an update of your personal and family medical history.
Check of vital signs: During this portion of the exam, your blood pressure, heart, and respiration rates will be checked, as well as your temperature.
General appearance: Your examiner can learn much about your health simply by observing your appearance. He or she may look for signs of mental quickness, examine the health of your skin, or even observe you as you stand or walk.
Additionally, most physicals include an examination of the following: